The Alliance for International Medical Action

The Alliance for International Medical Action

The Alliance for International Medical Action

The Alliance for International Medical Action

  • Located in Dakar, Senegal
  • Joined November 15, 2024

Organization information

ALIMA’S SPIRIT: ALIMA’s purpose is to save lives and provide care for the most vulnerable populations, without any discrimination based on identity, religion or politics, through actions based on proximity, innovation, and the alliance of organisations and individuals. We act with humanity and impartiality in accordance with universal medical ethics. To gain access to patients, we undertake to act in a neutral and independent manner.

Our CHARTER defines the VALUES and PRINCIPLES of our action:
Putting the Patient First
Revolutionising humanitarian medicine
Responsibility and freedom
Improve the quality of our actions
Placing trust
Collective intelligence
Environmental liability

ALIMA promotes and defends the principles of fundamental human rights. ALIMA has a zero-tolerance approach towards those guilty of acts of gender and sexual violence as well as towards inaction in the face of alleged or proven acts of violence. The protection of those benefiting from and impacted by our intervention is our top priority in everything we do. Everyone collaborating with ALIMA is committed to:
Respect the charter, the code of conduct, the institutional policies including the policy of protection against abuse of power and sexist and sexual violence, the policy of prevention of corruption and fraud;
Report any violation of the policies, framework documents and procedures to a superior, to a referent

Since its creation in 2009, ALIMA has treated more than 13 million patients and today deploys its operations in 12 African countries and extended to support the emergency in Haiti. In 2022 we developed 62 humanitarian medical response projects to meet the needs of populations affected by conflicts, epidemics and extreme poverty. All of these projects are carried out in support to national authorities through nearly 511 health facilities. Whenever possible, we work in partnership with local NGOs to ensure that our patients benefit from the best and most relevant expertise wherever it is, whether within their own country or in the rest of the world. In addition, to improve the humanitarian response, we are carrying out operational and clinical research projects particularly in the field of the fight against malnutrition and viral hemorrhagic fevers.

ALIMA’S TEAM: more than 2000 people are currently working for ALIMA. The field teams, closest to the patients, receive their support from coordination teams generally based in the countries’ capitals. These receive support from the 4 desk teams and the emergency and opening team based at the operational headquarters in Dakar, Senegal. The Paris and New York teams are actively working to raise funds and represent ALIMA. The rest of the ALIMA Galaxy includes individuals and partner teams working on behalf of other organisations such as medical NGOs BEFEN, ALERT Health, SOS Doctors / KEOOGO, AMCP, research organisations PACCI and INSERM, Bordeaux or Copenhagen Universities, the INGO International Solidarity and many others.

COUNTRIES WHERE WE WORK: Mali, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Guinea, Sudan, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Haiti.

THE WORK WE DO covers: Malnutrition, Maternal Health, Primary Health, Paediatrics, Malaria, Epidemics (Ebola, Cholera, Measles, Dengue, Lassa Fever, Monkey Pox), Hospitalisation, Emergencies, Gender Based Violence, Opening / Closing.

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