Communications & Knowledge Manager

Communications & Knowledge Manager

Communications & Knowledge Manager

Communications & Knowledge Manager

November 22, 2022
Washington, DC
Position type
Experience (minimum)
5-10 Years
Education (minimum)
Travel required?
Base salary (minimum)
$70,000 - 80,000




CORE, Inc. (CORE Group) is a leader in global community health, working to end preventable maternal, newborn, and child deaths around the world. We have a comparative advantage through collaborative action to promote and safeguard health in communities and create new models for reaching the most marginalized populations. As a neutral, trusted platform for a coalition of more than 168 organizational and individual members, we work together with the broader global health community to foster collaboration and learning, strengthen technical capacity, develop innovative tools and resources, and scale evidence-based approaches to improving health.

Learn more here:


The Communications and Knowledge Manager will oversee internal and external communications and knowledge management (KM) strategies to strengthen communication and knowledge-sharing between CORE Group, its membership and the broader International Community Health Network, to advocate for key community health activities and messages, and to demonstrate CORE Group’s value and impact in the field.

This position will report to the Executive Director and will supervise the Communications and KM Associate and the KM intern.

General responsibilities will include, but will not be limited to the following:

Develop and oversee the implementation of CORE Group’s Communications and KM Strategy.
  • Develop and update the Communications and KM Strategy based on CORE Group’s strategic plan. The strategy should include an implementation plan with measurable outcomes.
  • Maintain a communications calendar with key events, dates, and deadlines throughout the year.
  • Identify print, digital, and in-person information channels to communicate with key audiences and increase CORE Group brand awareness and partnership opportunities.
  • Conduct regular monitoring and annual evaluation of communications and knowledge management inputs, outputs and outcomes and adjust the strategy as needed.
Strengthen collaboration and cross-learning between CORE Group, its membership, and the International Community Health Network.
  • Manage overall communications during the planning, execution, and follow-up of CORE Group Global Health Practitioner Conferences and other events, including agenda setting, planning committee meetings, abstract reviews, event promotion, press and news media coordination, materials procurement, knowledge capture during events, and reporting and dissemination after events. Provide additional event support as needed. Events may be domestic, international, or virtual.
  • Work closely with the Operations and Membership Manager to conduct membership and community outreach in-person and online to strengthen knowledge sharing and solicit input on member and community needs.
  • Oversee communications and KM support to CORE Group’s Technical Working Groups and Interest Groups (communities of practice) in implementing their annual work plans.
Oversee CORE Group’s online platforms, including websites and social media.
  • Actively seek out new and creative ways to effectively reach CORE Group’s network around the world via online platforms.
  • Lead maintenance and enhancement of CORE Group’s website with new and engaging content, including news/announcements, new resources, events, job postings, project updates, new members, and more.
  • Liaise with website developer on more in-depth and longer-term website adjustments and improvements.
  • Lead maintenance and enhancement of CORE Group’s social media presence on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, ensuring active engagement on all accounts.
  • Monitor website and social media statistics, developing and analyzing quarterly reports, and providing recommendations to increase online traffic and engagement.
Develop, update, and disseminate CORE Group knowledge products and communications materials.
  • Write and oversee the design of the CORE Group Annual Report.
  • Collect stories, create, and publish the quarterly CORE Group e-newsletter, sharing out the latest from CORE Group, the membership, and the global health field.
  • Lead creation of CORE Group promotional materials, including one-pagers, brochures, presentations, case stories, etc.
  • Conduct interviews with CORE Group members and partners at events and through field visits to develop new promotional materials, learning materials, case stories, etc. through a variety of media (print, online, video, etc.).
  • Work with members and partners to finalize new tools, manuals, technical briefs, etc., including copyediting, layout, design, printing, and dissemination.
  • Manage hiring and supervision of consultants as needed for design, translation, video editing, etc.
  • Keep an inventory of all CORE Group materials.
  • Ensure that all print and online communications are consistent with CORE Group messaging and brand marketing.
Contribute to business development and fundraising efforts.
  • Collaborate with relevant team members on technical proposal writing and other business development processes.
  • Implement communications aspects of CORE Group’s fundraising strategy, including end-of-year and other fundraising campaigns.
Provide management and communications/KM support on grants, projects, and global partnerships.
  • Provide management, advocacy and communications support on projects as needed, including knowledge capture and dissemination activities and events, and monitoring and evaluation.
  • Attend relevant meetings important to CORE Group and act as Communication liaison with global partners, press, and others.
  • Manage Communications & Knowledge Management Associate and interns


Bachelor’s degree and a minimum of six to eight years’ relevant working experience in the communications and/or knowledge management fields. Experience working in a non-profit and non-governmental setting.

  • Master of Public Health or related advanced degree (international development) preferred. Familiarity and/or experience working in global health or other international development sectors preferred.
  • Exceptional written, oral, interpersonal, and presentation skills. Demonstrated ability to capture, synthesize, and present programming and organizational successes and lessons learned. Demonstrated ability to convey messages through clear and concise writing.
  • Experience managing websites and social media. WordPress experience preferred.
  • Experience with webinars and online learning platforms (Zoom, WebEx preferred).
  • Proficiency with Canva or Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, and Premiere). Graphic design experience a plus.
  • Experience with email marketing tools such as Constant Contact or MailChimp.
  • Photography and video production skills preferred.
  • Basic layout and design skills helpful.
  • Willingness to travel internationally 10%. Experience working/volunteering overseas and experience working in multicultural environment.
  • Ability to multi-task and remain calm and organized under pressure.
  • Experience in supervising contractors and/or interns.
  • Strong attention to detail.
  • Fluency in written English. Knowledge of French or Spanish a plus.
  • Certification in Knowledge Management or Project Management a plus.
  • Creativity, independence, and entrepreneurial spirit encouraged.

CORE Group has an office in Washington DC and has a hybrid model of working. However, this position could be virtual, from any location in the world, but must be available for Eastern (EST/EDT) time zone meetings, and global meetings.

Salary for this full-time position will be $70,000 – $80,000 annual salary with competitive benefits.

Please email your resume and cover letter to Use “CommsKMManager_Last Name” as the subject line – no phone calls please. Only potential interviewees will be contacted.

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